JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Gets New Principal Assistant Secretary
Mr Ocen (R) handing over to Hajji Hirome (L)

KAMPALA: The Judiciary has received a newPrincipal Assistant Secretary from the Ministry of Lands, Housing and UrbanDevelopment.

HajjiSulaiman Hirome, assumed office on Thursday August 22, 2019 following ahandover ceremony witnessed by Senior Human Resource Officer, Ms Akello SusanHarriet, and Senior Internal Auditor, Ms Ann Ankajuna.

Theoutgoing PAS Thomas Ocen (transferred to Ministry of Trade, Industry, andCooperatives) joined Judiciary in May 2019 said he was ready for his nextassignment.

"Ibelieve the incoming Principal Assistant Secretary will fulfill theexpectations created," Mr Ocen said.

On hispart, Hajji Hirome, who formerly worked in the Judiciary, said he was glad tobe back home and looking that he was forward to working with everyone. "Ihope to get integrated because many things have changed and so has thestructure."

On herpart, the Senior Human Resource Officer thanked the outgoing PAS for thediligent service in the short time he has served at Judiciary. She equallywelcomed the incoming PAS and wished him a pleasant stay.

Posted 23rd, August 2019
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